№ | Quality indicators | On SF | In fact |
1 | Mass fraction of solids, %, not less | 0,7 | 0,2 |
2 | pH, units | 5,5-8,5 | 5,5-6,5 |
3 | Mass fraction in terms of dry substance, not less | 0,7 | 0,5 |
4 | - total nitrogen, % | 8,0 | 14,0 |
5 | - phosphorus total (P2O5), % (weight / weight) | 8,0 | 14,0 |
6 | - Potassium total (K2O), % | 10,0 | 14,0 |
7 | Humic substances, g/l, not less | 18,0 | 26,0 |
8 | Calcium, g/l, not more than (weight / weight) | 3,0 | 6,0 |
9 | Magnesium, g/l, not more than (weight /weight) | 0,02 | 0,05 |
10 | Iron mg/l, not more than | 0,02 | 0,03 |
11 | Sulf, g/l, not more than (weight / weight) | 0,02 | 0,02 |
12 | Copper, mg/l, not more than | 0,02 | 0,02 |
13 | Zinc, mg/l, not more than | 0,02 | 0,02 |
14 | Manganese, mg/l, not more than | 0,4 | 0,5 |
15 | Cobalt mg/l, not more than | 0,02 | 0,02 |
16 | Molybdenum, mg/l, not more than (weight / weight) | 0,002 | 0,005 |
17 | Boron mg/l, not more than (weight / weight) | 1,2 | 2,0 |
18 | Selenium µg/l, not more than | 0,01 | 0,01 |
19 | Mass fraction of heavy metals, mg/kg | Below MPC | Below MPC |
20 | The specific radioactivity of caesium-137, Bq/l, not more than | No more 300,0 | 15,7 |
21 | Eggs and larvae of helminths (Indiv/kg) | Not allowed | Not detected |
22 | Pathogenic microflora, including salmonella | absent | Not detected |
23 | The larvae and pupae of sanitary flies | absent | Not detected |
24 | The presence of cysts, intestinal pathogenic protozoa | absent | Not detected |