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Company «BIO STIMUL» SRL - is a leading and rapidly developing Eastern-European company dealing with large-scale production and fast delivery of a whole line of natural organic fertilisers «BIOHUMUS-ii».

Both dry and liquid BIOHUMUS-ii mixes are developed using the up-to-the-minute technologies, under thorough guidance and control of the leading CIS and European agronomists.

This is a wide range of highly effective organic bio-stimulants of plant growth, humic fertilisers, plant protection agents, soil ameliorants based on the extracts of humic substances of low-land turfs, extracts of plants’ biologically active substances and environmentally safe agrarian technologies.

Environmentally safe agrarian technologies – BIOHUMUS-ii – are based on the complex use/implementation thereof in the plant industry. “BIO”.

Use of BIOHUMUS-ii products ensures enhancement of the agricultural plant yield up to the indicators of the bio-organic farming, simultaneously with decrease of mineral fertilisers and plant protection agents use.

Use of BIOHUMUS-ii products ensures enhancement of the agricultural plants’ yield in the context of use of mineral fertilisers, up to indicators of the bio-organic farming.

BIOHUMUS-ii goods are produced using environmentally safe technologies developed by the Company.
